Mental Health Treatment Seeking and History of Suicidal Thoughts Among Suicide Decedents by Mechanism, 2003-2018

Using the National Violence Death Reporting System (NVDRS), we compared individuals who died by firearm suicide to those who died by suicide using other methods. We found that firearm suicide decedents were less likely than others to have been in mental health treatment at the time of their death or any time before that. This indicates that those who die by suicide using the most common method for American suicide death are less likely to engage with the mental healthcare system, thereby limiting our ability to identify them as high risk prior to their death.

Cross-sectional data were collected on 234 652 suicide decedents from 2003 to 2018. Participant information was reported by their state of residence to the National Violent Death Reporting System. Statistical analysis was performed from July 1, 2021, to January 21, 2022.

Project Status:

Principal Investigator (PI):
Joye C. Anestis, PhD, Michael D. Anestis PhD, Allison E. Bond, MA, Shelby L. Bandel, MS, Taylor R. Rodriguez, MS

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