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Defensive Behaviors during COVID-19 and the 2020–2021 Firearm Purchasing Surge: A...

Objective:This study examined the extent to which political beliefs and public health behaviors cluster together and define distinct groups of individuals and whether those...

Determining who Healthcare Providers Screen for Firearm Access in the United...

Objective:Healthcare providers are well positioned to screen for firearm access to reduce risk of suicides, yet there is a limited understanding of how often...

Addressing Mental Health Needs of Secondary Homicide Survivors Through a Social...

Objective:Drawing on a social determinants of health framework, death records, and Medicaid data were linked at the individual and family level to examine mental...

Firearm access and suicide rates: An unambiguously robust association

Objective:In this commentary, I aim to contextualize the findings within the broader literature and to provide clarity for readers aiming to navigate the findings...

Assessment of firearm storage practices in the US, 2022

Objective:In this survey study with a weighted sample of 2152 adults, the results indicated that gun safes were the most frequently used device by...

Interactions At the Point of Firearm Purchase and Subsequent Use of...

Objective:Examined the extent to which firearms retailers notifying purchasers at the point of sale about the included cable locks was associated with subsequent locking...

Firearm owners’ preferences for locking devices: ...

Objective:To describe preferences about personal firearm locking devices among firearm-owning adults living in the United States. Method:We hired the Ipsos research firm for a brief...

Urban housing affordability, economic disadvantage and racial disparities in gun violence:...

Objective:This study seeks to examine how urban affordability, and related issues of eviction and joblessness, are associated with gun violence in the United States....

Conformity to masculine role norms, firearm storage behaviors, and openness to...

Objective:Understanding the sociocultural characteristics that are associated with US firearm owners' current storage practices and openness to means safety can inform suicide prevention initiatives. Method:Two...

Differences in firearm storage practices among United States military service members...

Objective:Two-thirds of military suicides are by firearm, and unsafe storage increases the risk of suicide. Understanding who is at risk for suicide, their interactions...