Since February 2019, the GVRC has taken part in providing internal funding to faculty, doctoral students, and research staff on research related to gun violence.
New Jersey Gun Violence Research Center
Gun Violence Research Matters
People with firearm access in New Jersey in 2021
Homicides involved a firearm in New Jersey in 2021
Total firearm deaths in New Jersey in 2021
New Jersey Gun Violence Research Center at Rutgers
We are among the first state-funded research centers in the United States that conduct interdisciplinary research on the causes, consequences, and solutions to gun-related violence, while respecting the rights of legal, safe gun ownership, and use.
The GVRC works in collaboration with and is supported by the New Jersey Office of the Secretary of Higher Education (OSHE).

New Jersey Gun Violence Research Center Progress Reports
The New Jersey Gun Violence Research Center releases annual Progress Reports that compile all the research efforts the center has been involved in over the year. They include all of the funded projects, grants, surveys, press releases, and other pertinent information regarding the current state of gun violence research.

Research Projects
At the Rutgers Gun Violence Research Center, we pursue compelling, data-driven research on gun violence through the lens of public health, psychology, sociology, medicine, law, social work, public policy, engineering, and other fields to further our understanding of this important issue.
The GVRC team and research associates have initiated a series of studies, exploring different topics related to gun violence.
Researchers at the GVRC actively search for ways to cultivate community-partnered research to address gun violence.
The GVRC has adopted visual abstracts and visual collaborations with co-authors and colleagues as part of our strategy to promote high-quality and original scientific research
Get Involved with Gun Violence Research
Find out how you can gain funding for your research or join ongoing projects.

Postdoctoral Fellow Opportunities
The New Jersey Gun Violence Research Center (GVRC) is looking to hire up to three postdoctoral fellows, with positions beginning in Summer 2025.

Upcoming Events
Monday, March 31, 2025, 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. | Columbus