City of Camden Homicide and Interpersonal Violence Case Analysis

This project will contribute to our understanding of the prevalence of firearms in homicides, and specifically, the prevalence of firearms in interpersonal violence that results in death. The project's focus in Camden City provides a specific urban location from which the analysis can speak to the prevalence of interpersonal violence-related homicides in urban locations, and contextualize these findings within the existing structures of the city (i.e. heavily low income, majority of population under 25). This project can emphasize the deadly roles of firearms in interpersonal violence, and provide insight to policymakers on prevalence of firearms, either legally or illegally, in urban spaces, as well as provide support for resources towards community services and safe shelters. Furthermore, this project also provides focus on an urban area in Southern New Jersey, where a dearth of resources and research exists in comparison to the Central and North regions of the state. Future analyses can compare and contract cities in different regions of the state, and/or explore IPV and firearms related incidents in other Southern New Jersey cities and/or rural communities in Southern New Jersey.

Funded By:
New Jersey Gun Violence Research Center

Project Status:
In progress

Principal Investigator (PI):
Michelle Meloy, PhD

Amount Awarded: