Gun Prevention Survey: NJ Primary Care Physicians, Pediatricians, and Geriatricians (with Eagelton)

The purpose of this project is to create and disseminate a survey to Primary Care Physicians (PCPs), Pediatricians, and Geriatricians in NJ that will facilitate collection and analysis of data to understand their:

  1. Perceptions of gun safety physician counseling
  2. Current practice and counseling habits
  3. Barriers to counseling patients on safe gun storage
  4. Overall understanding of the public health approach to address firearm violence

The goal of this exploratory research study is to inform the Rutgers Center on Gun Violence Research with data and an understanding of Primary Care Physicians (PCPs), Pediatrics, and Geriatricians habits’, existing barriers experienced, level of comfort, and access to adequate training/education on the topic of safe firearm storage. The scope of this research project includes surveying of all practicing NJ Primary Care Physicians, Pediatricians, and Geriatricians - particularly those with children or families with patients with dementia. Out of scope includes Physicians not currently providing direct patient care:

  1. What are physicians’ usual practice of discussing firearm safety with their patients?
    Does this discussion practice vary across physicians (i.e. physicians only discuss with certain patients or discussion practice varies based on the type of physician)? What are the barriers to physicians discussing firearm safety with their patients (i.e. knowledge or attitude)?
  2. What do physicians know about the public health approach to address firearm violence?
  3. What are overall attitudes on their role in addressing firearm violence and what are physicians’ unmet needs to playing a vital role in addressing firearm violence?

Project Status:
In progress

Principal Investigator (PI):
Stephanie Bonne

Hajar Shirley