<strong>Firearm Owners' Preferences for Locking Devices: Results of a National Survey</strong>

To describe preferences about personal firearm locking devices among firearm-owning adults living in the United States.


We hired the Ipsos research firm for a brief (8-minute) online survey (28 July to 8 August 2022). Ipsos drew a sample from its KnowledgePanel, a probability-based, nationally representative, online panel of English-speaking, noninstitutionalized adults (aged ≥18 years) described elsewhere (5). Eligible survey participants were U.S. adults owning at least 1 firearm, excluding active-duty military personnel. Participants received incentives through KnowledgePanel; the Colorado Multiple Institutional Review Board approved study procedures.

Project Status:

Principal Investigators:
Michael Anestis, PhD; Marian Betz, PhD; Ian Bandel,PhD; Jessica Buck-Atkinson, MPH; Rachel Johnson, MS; Craig Bryan, PsyD; Justin Baker, PhD; AnnaBelle Bryan, MS; Kyleanne Hunter, PhD

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