Site icon New Jersey Gun Violence Research Center

Research & Programs

At the Rutgers Gun Violence Research Center, we pursue compelling, data-driven research on gun violence through the lens of public health, psychology, sociology, medicine, law, social work, public policy, engineering, and other fields to further our understanding of this important issue. GVRC is currently funding research projects and leading center research on a variety of topics related to gun violence. The GVRC continues to plan future projects and welcomes ideas from researchers interested in gun violence.

The GVRC research focus includes:

  1. The nature of gun violence, including individual and societal determinants of risk for involvement in gun violence, whether as a victim or a perpetrator
  2. The individual, community, and societal consequences of gun violence
  3. Prevention and treatment of gun violence at the individual, community, and societal levels
  4. The effectiveness of existing laws and policies intended to reduce gun violence, including the criminal misuse of guns
  5. Efforts to promote the responsible ownership and use of guns

Future Projects

GVRC research covers a range of subjects including, but not limited to: data & epidemiology, firearm safety, youth, suicide, protective & risk factors, domestic violence, public opinion, and program evaluation. The scope is constantly broadening, and we welcome all researchers to pursue additional topic areas and interests. Our future research plans include:

  • Community Engaged Research Day: A collaboration between researchers and community-based organizations (CBOs) / community groups who have research questions that they are interested in answering. Grants are awarded to promising community partner-researcher collaborations annually through a competitive submission process. Stay tuned for upcoming training and call for proposals.
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