Site icon New Jersey Gun Violence Research Center

Time-series analyses of firearm-related Google searches and United States suicide rates 2004-2016

This project examined the extent to which shifts in firearm-related Google search trends were associated with subsequent changes in firearm and overall suicide rates between 2004 and 2016.

Google Trends provides data on request frequencies of searches. Twenty-four search strings were examined representing possible searches by individuals considering firearm suicide and compared to U.S. suicide rates with time-series modeling.

Project Status:

Principal Investigator (PI): 
Daniel W Capron, PhD, Rita Andel MS, Martin Voracek, PhD DSc DMSc MSc MPhil, Benedikt Till PhD DSc, Thomas Niederkrotenthaler PhD, Brian Bauer PhD, Michael Anestis, PhD, Ulrich S Tran PD MSc

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