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GVRC study referenced in ...

TUESDAY, Nov. 2, 2021 (HealthDay News) -- Suicidal thoughts are more common among Americans who bought guns when firearm sales spiked during the pandemic......

Your gun needs a home away from home | Opinion

Michael Anestis, executive director of the New Jersey Gun Violence Research Center, says there are times when your gun should not be stored at...

WFLA NEWS:Fire Arms Account for Half of all American Suicide Deaths

Reduce suicides in NJ by temporarily surrendering guns?

“The problem is we have a lot of folks who already have firearms, have had them for a long time and are comfortable using...

Washington Post: Mike Anestis quoted in an article on how ...

“The typical story of American suicide is a gun that’s already been in the home,” Anestis added. And someone will become suicidal down the... editorial: Why good guys with guns should demand reform

By: NJGVRC executive director, Dr. Mike Anestis… Read more